3 Benefits of Combining Yoga with Dog Ownership

Dogs are natural stress relievers, and so is yoga. This post could explore the mental, physical, and emotional benefits of practicing yoga with your dog nearby.


  • Stress Relief: Both yoga and spending time with pets have been proven to reduce stress levels. Yoga helps lower cortisol, the stress hormone, while interacting with pets can release oxytocin, a feel-good hormone. Combining the two can significantly reduce anxiety, improve your mood, and create a stronger bond with your dog. Practices like Savasana(Corpse Pose), where you lie down and focus on your breath, can be especially soothing when your dog curls up beside you.

  • Increased Activity: Engaging in yoga adds to your dog’s daily activity level. Gentle stretches and movements can inspire your pet to join in and move around. Even if your dog just watches or lounges beside you, your increased physical activity can influence your dog’s mood and energy levels, promoting a healthier lifestyle for both.

  • Mindfulness: Yoga teaches mindfulness, the practice of staying present in the moment. Dogs, naturally living in the moment, can be a great reminder of this. Whether you're practicing a flow sequence or simply meditating with your dog nearby, incorporating mindfulness from yoga can improve how you relate to your pet, reduce reactive behaviors, and foster a more peaceful environment at home.


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